“Metroplan acts as a voice of regionalism and has worked as the council of local governments and Metropolitan Planning Organization for central Arkansas since 1955.”

Regional Advisory Council

Welcome to your Regional Advisory Committees web page. Metroplan staff will provide materials from meetings, as well has helpful links and other pertinent information.

RAC Virtual Meetings

Livable Communities Committee


Transportation Systems – March 31, 2021

Economic Vitality – December 15, 2020


Presentations from June 2020 meetings

Livable Communities – presented by Daniel Holland 
Economic Vitality – presented by Jonathan Lupton 
Transportation Systems – presented by Jeff Runder

Horizon 2020: 25 Years of Planning — A Retrospective
Horizon 2020 (low resolution)

Materials from the October 15, 2019 meeting
Discussion Summaries

Economic Vitality Committee
Livable Communities Committee
Transportation Systems Committee

Materials from the September 26, 2019 meeting

Committee job descriptions and planning factors

Discussion Summaries
Economic Vitality Committee
Livable Communities Committee
Transportation Systems Committee


Materials from the July 11, 2019 meeting

MPO 101 Presentation (in pdf format)

RAC Handbook 


Central Arkansas 2050 Long-range Plan, December 2018

METRO 2020 Long-range Plan, July 1995


The Regional Advisory Committees were created to:

  • Study, recommend and respond directly to the Metroplan Board on issues impacting Metroplan and central Arkansas;
  • Maintain and improve the strong public engagement record of Metroplan by providing direct input into the decision-making levels of the regional planning process.
  • Educate central Arkansas on transportation and planning matters and encourage best practices that would advance the region’s vision for the future.

The Regional Advisory Committees are:

  1. Economic Vitality – deals with matters pertaining to industry, commerce, workforce and regional-scale economic growth as it relates to transportation and planning.
  2. Transportation Systems – broadly encompasses safety, efficiency, technology, and design, in context with the natural and physical environments.
  3. Livable Communities – is concerned with regional development, transit readiness, and livability, as implemented throughout central Arkansas’ communities and neighborhoods. Common themes of “livability” include accessible housing and transportation, environmental stewardship, economic resilience, educational excellence and the value of human interaction.