“Metroplan acts as a voice of regionalism and has worked as the council of local governments and Metropolitan Planning Organization for central Arkansas since 1955.”

Housing Data


Census and Metroplan Data on Housing Units

Metroplan tracks housing changes across the central Arkansas region, based on Census figures and building permit data reported by our member cities. The files below provide basic housing unit counts for the region.

Housing Units by City and County for Central Arkansas 1990-2010

Single-Family and Multi-Family Housing Units 2000-2010 for Cities Over 5,000 Population



Commuting Data



Commuter Flows in Four-County LR-NLR-Conway Region 2012-2016

This table shows where workers lived and worked by county over the years 2012-2016. It allows you to tell how many workers commuted between each of the region’s four largest counties.


City and County Employment by Place of Work 2012-2016

This table shows the number of workers by city in 2000, 2006 to 2010, and 2012 to 2016 for the six counties and the largest nine incorporated cities in central Arkansas.


Travel Time to Work by City and County 2012-2016

This table gives average travel time to work for Central Arkansas residents by city and county. It also gives an overall average for the Little Rock MSA.


County-to-County Commuting Patterns 2012 to 2016

The latest county-to-county commuting data based on ACS sample data from 2012 to 2016.